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What Are Chinese Herbs?

Chinese herbs are often used in conjunction with acupuncture for added therapeutic effect. While many cultures have herbal medicine traditions, the sophistication of Chinese herbal medicine is unsurpassed. Chinese herbal medicine has a long history dating back several thousand years, and the resulting system is now used to treat everything from the common cold to constipation to anxiety, and so much more.

Together, we can tailor a course of treatment
to meet your unique health needs.

There are thousands of herbs in the Chinese materia medica, of which about 300 are commonly used. You will generally receive a mixture of several different herbs in a formula that has been tailored to your condition. Chinese herbs are safe and extremely effective when prescribed and taken properly and typically do not cause any unintended negative side effects.

Herbal supplements can be a wonderful addition to your overall wellness routine and are a great addition to your first aid kit or at-home pharmacy. Conveniently, herbs come in many different forms, including: raw, powders, capsules, tea bags, ointments, and liquid, making them easier to incorporate into your specific lifestyle, condition, and personal preferences.

Challis Acupuncture

301 E Main Ave, Suite 4
Challis, ID 83226